Stop Wasting Time on Complicated Email Strategies—Embrace AI for Effortless Customer Win-Backs!

Stop Wasting Time on Complicated Email Strategies—Embrace AI for Effortless Customer Win-Backs!

What we cover in this article.

  1. Traditional Marketing is a Time-Waster
  2. Let AI Be Your Secret Weapon
  3. KWANi is THE AI Email Marketing Tool

Would you be surprised to learn that most small and medium sized e-commerce merchants spend an average of 70 hours a week managing their store? And of those 70 hours, between 15 and 20 hours are spent on email marketing, more than any other task on their plate. See Figure 1

This tedious email marketing work includes:

  • Segmenting audiences
  • Creating automations
  • Devising campaigns
  • Selecting newsletter topics
  • Choosing products to highlight
  • Writing content
  • Choosing pictures
  • Creating email subject lines
  • Scheduling emails to send
  • Keeping track of opens, clicks, and conversions 

weekly hours merchants spend on e-commerce tasks


With all of the advancements in artificial intelligence and email marketing software, this is just a phenomenal waste of time.

If you are doing email marketing the old way, it's time to rethink your strategy and adopt tools that will increase your sales while saving you time and money. Would you believe you could eliminate a minimum of 10 hours per week on email marketing by adopting an AI driven email marketing software tool?  

Welcome to the future, friends.

Traditional E-mail Marketing is a Time Waster

Let's look at all the requirements with traditional email marketing software tools. 

Segment Customers For Campaigns

Creating detailed customer segments requires significant time and effort. Merchants must analyze vast amounts of customer data to identify trends, behaviors, and preferences, which can lead to decision fatigue and inefficient use of resources. According to HubSpot, 70% of marketers say segmentation is critical to their marketing efforts, yet many find it time-consuming and challenging to implement effectively. Additionally, UK based Marketing Tech reports that 61% of marketers believe customer segmentation is an outdated method of marketing.  Nearly 60% of the 500 survey respondents reported that they struggle to do customer segmentation well.  And these are professional marketers! 

Analyze Vast Troves of Customer Data

Many e-commerce merchants struggle with overwhelming amounts of data, making it difficult to pinpoint the most valuable customer segments to target. This data overload can lead to analysis paralysis, where businesses fail to act on their data due to the complexity of creating usable information from troves of customer data. The Guardian reports that companies often collect large amounts of customer data but lack the tools or strategies to analyze it effectively, resulting in missed opportunities for targeted marketing. 

Keep Track of Evolving Customer Behavior

Customer preferences and behaviors are constantly changing, making it challenging to maintain accurate segments. This dynamism can result in outdated strategies that no longer resonate with the audience, requiring frequent adjustments and re-segmentation. According to Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen, 95% of annual product launches fail due to poor market segmentation. And many small and medium-sized businesses lack the technical resources or expertise to implement sophisticated segmentation tools. 


stop wasting your teams time with complicated traditional email systems. switch to KWANI

    Create Complex Workflow Automations




    Implementing effective workflow automations often requires technical knowledge that many small and medium-sized e-commerce businesses lack. Torch Light Hire reports that marketing automation skills include marketing acumen, understanding of automated processes, deep knowledge of data analytics, project management expertise, and marketing automation platform expertise. Marketers often spend countless hours defining triggers, actions, and conditions, which can delay campaign launches and impact overall productivity. While Woopra reports  that 56% of companies struggle to keep up with automation innovation

    Create and Send Compelling Customer Emails

    First you have to decide what to write about, then you have to craft a catchy subject line to ensure people open and read the email. Blogging Wizard reports that 47% of email recipients decide whether to open an email based solely on the subject line. Then you have to personalize emails so they resonate with customers, which involves putting all that customer segmentation and marketing automation to work. Personalized emails deliver 6x higher transaction rates yet many businesses struggle to implement effective personalization strategies due to resource constraints. (Instapage) 

    Measure Campaign Success

    Once you do all of the tasks above, you have to evaluate the effectiveness of your email campaigns.  This involves analyzing various open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Would it surprise you to know that only 22% of marketers feel they can accurately measure the ROI of their email marketing efforts, indicating a gap in effective performance evaluation. (Source: Econsultancy, "Email Marketing ROI")  

    Stop Wasting Time - Let AI Be Your Secret Weapon

    The new generation of email marketing has arrived.  One where you don't have to segment customers, automate workflows, swim through masses of data or constantly redesign content to send to customers. One that grows your sales while simultaneously saving you time & money. Here is how AI can be your secret weapon:

    • AI uses algorithms to analyze customer data and behavior, allowing it to automatically generate unique and highly personalized email content that resonates with individual customers.
    • AI leverages predictive analytics to determine the best times to send emails and which subject lines will likely result in higher open rates. This data-driven approach removes guesswork and enhances overall campaign effectiveness.
    • AI does everything automatically, giving you back hours per week, drastically reducing your advertising spend, and simultaneously increasing repeat sales.
    • AI automates many aspects of email creation and management, AI driven software allows merchants to focus on strategy and growth rather than the nitty-gritty of email design and content generation. This boosts overall productivity and reduces time spent on email campaigns.
    • AI reduces the need for dedicated marketing staff to manually segment customers, design emails, and analyze results. This allows you to lower overall marketing costs and reallocate those resources to other areas of the business.
    • AI analyzes customer behavior and engagement metrics, providing actionable insights that inform win-back strategies. This eliminates guesswork and helps marketers focus their efforts on what works, further enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.
    • AI continuously monitors campaign performance, automatically adjusting strategies to optimize results. This means businesses can achieve better outcomes without the need for extensive manual intervention, leading to cost savings in campaign management. 

    KWANi Is THE AI Driven Software for Email Marketing

    Dramatically Increase Sales

    KWANi users report significant increases in sales and customer retention, illustrating the direct impact of AI-driven email marketing on their bottom line. KWANi users see an immediate 20% to 30% increase in returning customer sales.

    Reclaim Precious Time 

    KWANi automates repetitive tasks such as follow-up emails and win-back campaigns. This saves many hours of time and ensures that all potential sales opportunities are captured, as the system will send emails to customers at optimal times based on their behavior. Merchants can now focus on other critical aspects of their business while the AI handles their email marketing needs.

    Continuously Optimize Emails

    KWANi’s AI continuously learns from customer interactions, refining its strategies to improve messaging and personalization in future emails. As market trends and customer preferences change, KWANi adapts its approach to ensure that email content remains relevant and effective, further driving customer engagement and sales. KWANi will even automatically email customers in their preferred language.

    Automate Customer Insights

    KWANi leverages AI to analyze customer purchase history and behavior, automatically generating personalized email content tailored to each customer's preferences. This eliminates the complexity of manual segmentation, allowing merchants to engage customers meaningfully without the headache of traditional email marketing.

    Set It Up in Minutes

    KWANi is designed with a focus on simplicity, enabling even those with limited technical skills to set up individualized customer emails. The platform guides users through the process, ensuring a seamless experience from the start. Once KWANi is set up, the system will begin sending personalized emails in a matter of minutes, significantly reducing time to market compared to traditional email marketing tools.


    focus on your sales growth and let KWANi ai for shopify send your emails

    Stop wasting time and money on complicated email marketing tools that drain your resources and yield minimal results. Switch to AI-driven email personalization tools like KWANI that bring your customers back effortlessly.





    Don’t get left behind—join the future of e-commerce marketing today! Try KWANi for free and see the difference for yourself. Your loyal customers are waiting.

    NOTE:  This article written with the assistance of ChatGPT. 

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